Call for abstracts for an RC07 Panel

The gender impact of populist governments in the Global South

IPSA RC07 addresses the persistent issues, challenges and questions relating to the presence and experiences of women in the political sphere—their participation; institutional and other barriers; misogynistic ideologies and practices, including violence against women. The experience of violence connects the personal, structural, political and global levels of analysis.

In relation to the theme of the IPSA 75th anniversary conference in Lisbon, “Democratization and Autocratization,” we propose a panel on the harms of anti-gender ideology that is fuelled by right wing nationalist and populist governments and its impact on Gender Studies as an academic project, as well as on the lived experience of women and members of the LGBTIQ and trans communities. In the Global North Gender Studies programmes have been closed down and academic teaching staff persecuted. In the Global South anti-gender ideology or “pro-family” actors and organizations are using the frameworks and language of “development” to advance arguments and policies that restrict the rights of LGBTIQ+ people and infringe sexual and reproductive health and rights.  In Africa many countries have now legalized the death penalty for homosexuality.

If you want to present a paper on this panel, consider the following (but it is not limited to this):

  • Anti-gender ideology’s impact on Women’s and Gender Studies
  • Anti-gay discourse and law in countries that consider themselves democracies
  • Authoritarian governments using gay rights to show how “progressive” they are
  • Shrinking spaces for gender research
  • Banning the teaching about transgender from curriculums in schools

Please note: RC07 does not have or offer travel or registration support.

The conference CFP closes on April 10, 2024. To be part of the RC07 Panel, email us your abstract, name, affiliation and contact details by April 8, 2024 to the panel convenor at