RC07 - Women and Politics in the Global South

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11Sep 2024

RC07 Open Panels at the World Congress

RC07 has accepted five open panel proposals for the World Congress program. You can see them here and direct your paper proposal to them but we are sharing the ones we have proposed here for your convenience.

Gender, politics and development

RC07’s original area of interest was ‘gender and development’ and we are delighted to host a panel on the gender politics of development debates and policies. We understand development debates and policies to include a vast range of topics from urban governance, city planning (including smart cities and safe cities projects) and civic rights to land rights, labour force participation, rural development and livelihoods. Papers on disaster consequences, climate change and relief will also be considered under this rubric.

Recent research on gender, law and human rights

Law and legal reform have been commonly advocated and adopted routes to gender equality in countries around the world. We invite proposals that discuss laws promoting or undermining gender equality as also research around legal advocacy campaigns, feminist jurisprudence and precedent-making cases. The laws in question might involve family, workplace or violence-related or reproductive issues. We are also interested in papers that tie human rights law and gender equality discourses.

Recent research on gender, peace and security

We invite researchers to submit paper proposals based on their work in progress on topics related to gender, peace and security–both the official UN discourse around UN Security Council 1325 as well as issues raised by feminist security studies scholars and women’s peace movements. The adoption of National Action Plans, the implementation of the four pillars, challenges of implementation and the potential for broad-based advocacy are possible topics. Research that queers the gender, peace and security area is also welcome.

We are also interested in the role of gender and gender politics in conflict resolution and conflict transformation. Possible topics include the participation and role of women in specific peace processes, official and unofficial, as well as the implementation of Resolution 1325. Feminist approaches to conflict transformation in specific “Global South” contexts are also welcome.

Women in politics in the Global South

We invite researchers to submit paper proposals based on their work in progress on topics related to women’s participation in politics, gender issues in inclusivity discussions, women in social movements (especially women’s movements), violence against women in politics as well as against women human rights defenders. The research needs to be situated in the geographical South, but discussions of political marginalization in a comparative context are also welcome.

You will need to submit your proposal via the IPSA World Congress interface at https://wc2025.ipsa.org/wc/submit-paper, marking rc07 as your track of choice. We look forward to hearing from you!

11Sep 2024

Call for Papers for the 2025 World Congress

Take a look at the Congress theme and the Call for Papers for the RC07 track!



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10Jul 2024


The 2025 World Congress Call for Papers is out! RC07's theme is "WOMEN’S POLITICAL PARTICIPATION AND ACTIVISM
ACROSS THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM"! Plan your papers and panels today! 

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05Jul 2024

July 2024 Webinar: Anu Dhull, Uniformed female peacekeepers and critique of the instrumental approach of UNSCR 1325

Register to attend: https://cutt.ly/rc070724

01Jun 2024

June 2024 Webinar: Allali Khadija, Gender and development in Leila Abouzeid's novel "Year of the Elephant"

Register to attend: https://cutt.ly/rc070624

01Jun 2024

June 2024 Webinar: Allali Khadija, Gender and development in Leila Abouzeid's novel "Year of the Elephant"

Register to attend: https://cutt.ly/rc070624

03Apr 2024

Call for abstracts: RC07 Panel for conference on 'Democratization and Autocratization'

RC07 would like to organise a panel at the IPSA 75th anniversary conference in Lisbon, “Democratization and Autocratization." This is a call for papers. Deadline: April 8, 2024.

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25Dec 2023

You are invited to present your work....

at the RC07 monthly webinar series.


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25Dec 2023

RC07 January 2024 Webinar || Niharika Pandit, "Rethinking militarisation as co-constituting coloniality under military occupation"

RC07's webinar series begins in January 2024 with a talk by Dr. Niharika Pandit, Queen Mary University of London. 

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02Nov 2023

Announcing the RC07 Webinar Series

RCO7 will host a monthly webinar series from January 2024.

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09Sep 2023

A new cycle of seasons at RC07


My name is Swarna Rajagopalan and as of July 2023, I took over from the extremely capable Mariel Lucero as Chair of RC07. We cannot thank her enough for her two terms of selfless service to the community of scholars that make up RC07. 

I will start with a brief introduction. I am from, live and work in India. I trained as a political scientist (like most of you) but my work life has at least three parts. I have maintained an active research life, publishing largely on peace, security and gender. I currently am a Visiting Professor at Krea University in South India. I founded and run an NGO called Prajnya which works for gender equality and peace. Finally, I have been working as a consultant as well. You can read more about me here

It has taken me a couple of months to get organised with RC07 work. As I begin my tenure of service, Daniela Perrotta will serve as Vice-Chair and Mariel Lucero will be a member of our RC Board. 

RC07's two priorities as we start this new cycle of seasons, that is, the period leading to the next Congress in Seoul are to confirm our membership and to constitute a full Board. 

To this end, I start by sharing with you the link to an online form where you may formally sign up to join RC07. You can join if you share our interests and if you are a member of IPSA or your country's Political Science Association. Here is the link

You may have already stated your interest in RC07 when you joined IPSA. We are asking you more questions as a way of understanding our community better so that we may tailor our activities accordingly. 

I look forward to hearing from you!

Swarna Rajagopalan


19Apr 2017

Abstracts for IPSA 8-10 August 2017 Conference

Dear Colleagues

Please note that the deadline for abstracts for the conference that is co-hosted by IPSA’s RC 07 and RC19 have been extended to 25 April.  You are welcome to submit abstract until then.  The theme is Gender, Politics and the State.

Prof Amanda Gouws
Chair RC07

29Mar 2017

Call for Papers and Panel: Gender, Politics and the State, 8-10 August 2017

This is a reminder of the deadlines for panels and abstracts for the RC07 (Women and Politics in the Global South) and RC19 (Gender, Politics and Policy) that will take place in South Africa 8-10 August 2017.

Please submit abstracts.  A few travel grants will be available

01Mar 2017

Call for Papers and Panel: Gender, Politics and the State, 8-10 August 2017


Conference Co-Hosted by RC07 (Women and Politics in the Global South) and RC 19 (Gender Politics and Policy)

8-10 August 2017

University of Stellenbosch, South Africa


Gender, Politics and the State



In a time of a global realignment toward greater nationalism, populism and the closing of borders there is indeed a need to look at politics of the state on the local, regional and global level and its consequences for women. This conference precedes the international IPSA World Congress in Brisbane 2018, and provides an opportunity for scholars from the Global South (or scholars who research gender and the Global South) and who work in the fields of feminist/gender politics, comparative politics, policy studies and international relations to present papers.

Topics for panel and paper proposals include:

  • Feminist Institutionalism (gender structures/ gender policy)
  • State responses to human trafficking
  • State responses to women’s migration
  • State responses to harmful cultural practices
  • Women’s resistance against the state (women’s movements/activism)
  • Women’s human security and increasing terrorism
  • Increasing global xenophobic responses from the state
  • State control of reproductive rights


Deadline for panel submissions and abstracts:  31 March 2017

Deadline for paper abstracts:  7 April 2017

Abstracts can be sent to Prof Amanda Gouws at ag1@sun.ac.za cc Jean Cilliers at jcc@sunc.za

17Jan 2017



Following upon the success of the first two International Conferences on Pu blic Policy in Grenoble (2013) and Milan (2015), we are pleased to invite y ou to submit a paper proposal to the leading international forum for public policy scholarship. Organised by the International Public Policy Associati on, the Conference will take place at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Pol icy, National University of Singapore, from 28th-30th June 2017. This Call for Papers for the third International Conference on Public Policy follows up on the success of the call for panels with more than 210 panels selected . Open until 16th January 2017, paper proposals should address one of the r esearch questions contained in the panel descriptions found on our website. Please browse the list of panels to find the most relevant panel for your paper.

To submit a paper, please log-in to your account (or creat e one if you haven't done so previously), click on "My Current Conference" and select "ICPP3 Singapore 2017". Then select the "My Papers" tab and clic k on "Submit a paper" and complete the online form with the following infor mation

  • The email(s) of any other co-authors (all co-authors must also have an account in the system),
  • The code of the panel in which you would like to present (or click directly the "submit a paper on this panel" button on the webpage of the pa nel you selected)
  • The title of your paper
  • An abstract of the paper (from 300 to 500 words) explaining your pa per project, your research question, your methodology and how it fits with the panel topic chosen.
  • Each participant should propose a maximum of 2 proposals. Because an abstract must attempt to answer the issues highlighted a s research questions in the Panel, a same proposal cannot be sent to two di fferent panels, but to the most relevant Panel. All proposals which are fou nd to be in duplicate or more will be deleted before the selection process.
  • The selection of the papers for each panel will occur after the end of the call for papers (16th January) and notice will be sent to you after 15th February.

If your proposal is selected, full papers are to be uploaded to the confere nce website no later than 1st June. You must also register and pay conferen ce fees as soon as possible following receipt of notification of selection in order to remain on the program.


2. The Registrations for IPPA Membership and for ICPP3 are NOW OPEN

We just opened the registration for the conference and for the IPPA members hip on our website. You can become member of our Association directly here, becoming m ember of the public policy community, supporting our Association and take a dvantage of a discount for the conference of up to 100€ (PhD Students) and up to 180€ (others). The rate to become an IPPA Individual member for 2 years (2017-2018) is 35€ (PhD Students) and 105€ (others). You also can become IPPA member during the registration process of ICPP3.

If you register to ICPP before 31st March, 2017 and become IPPA member, you will benefit from the lowest rate for the conference: 130€ for PhD st udent and 190€ for others. We also propose to you some options, available when you register to the con ference. Be careful that there are limited places for some of these options and only early registrants will be able to benefit from them:

  • A Pre-Conference for PhD students and Young Scholars on Tuesday, 27 th June: 100€
  • The Gala Dinner on Thursday, 29th June at one of the most beautiful places of Singapore: Gardens by the Bay: 50€
  • Lunch at the venue of the conference: 15€ (each day)



We will regularly provide you important information and updates about Singa pore to help you plan for your travel and accommodation. Our Website is reg ularly updates, so don't hesitate to consult it from time to time. You can find

  • Information about travel. We recommend you to benefit from a discou nt from StarAlliance;
  • Information about Hotels and Hostels. We are working to find out mo re about hotels at different price ranges. From affordable hostels (around 50€/night) to luxury hotels (around 200€), we will provide you in formation and a proposition of discount.

Please note that the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (NUS) is pleased to support PhD students presenting at the Conference by providing free on-c ampus accommodation and will also support the participation of academics fr om developing countries in Asia by providing travel subsidies of SGD $500 t o qualifying applicants. The UNDP is also pleased to support the costs of scholars' travel for parti cipants presenting papers in panels marked "eligible for UNDP grant".

All grants are awarded on a competitive basis based on the quality of the a bstract. Information on the procedure to follow to apply for grants and student subs idies is available on our website here.

17Jan 2017


Registration to the Conference: Deadline 15 February 2017

All participants attending the conference are required to register and pay a conference fee; the deadline for which is 15 February 2017. If you are no longer able to participate in the conference, please let us know as soon as possible. Registration is now open, here.

Conference Dinner: Swiss Fondue for all the participants who will have registered by the deadline

This year, the conference dinner (cheese fondue) is free for the participants. It will take place on the Friday evening. Please note that due to limited space, the conference dinner will be booked on first-come-first served basis. Only participants who will have paid the conference fee by the deadline are guaranteed a space at the conference dinner.  We will have alternative menus upon request.

The registration fee also includes lunch on Friday and Saturday. We will contact you later in the year for dietary requirements.

Conference Scholarships: Deadline for application 1 February 2017

ECPG recognises that international conference attendance can be expensive and that Turkish scholars are disproportionately burdened by the financial costs. As such, we have established 6 conference scholarships - 3 for PhD students and 3 for Faculty members - please click here for more information.

Serving as Chair/Discussant
ECPG relies upon the service of its members, as such we may have to schedule you to be a Chair or a Discussant. We will not schedule any one individual to be Discussant or Chair on more than one panel. Please note that whilst we will do our best to schedule people who have indicated that they’re willing to serve we may have to schedule other participants in these roles if required. Please email us if you DO NOT wish to be a Chair or Discussant.

We look forward to seeing you at the Conference!

With kind regards

The ECPG Co-Convenors,

Isabelle Engeli (University of Bath)
Elizabeth Evans (Goldsmiths, University of London)

ECPG website: http://www.ecpg.eu/

Like us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter: @ECPG3


Standing Group on Politics and Gender
European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)
Harbour House
Hythe Quay
Tel: +44 (0) 1206 630049

The ECPR is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) number 1167403

16Nov 2016

14th International African Studies Conference

R U S S I A N  A C A D E M Y  OF  S C I E N C E S



30/1 ул. Спиридоновка, Москва, 123001

30/1 Spiridonovka str., Moscow, 123001

Тел. (495) 690-27-52

Tel. (495) 690-27-52

Факс: (495) 697-19-54

Fax: (495) 697-19-54

E-mail: dir@inafr.ru http://inafran.ru

E-mail: dir@inafr.ru http://www.inafran.ru/en


Africa and Africans in National, Regional and Global Dimensions

14th International African Studies Conference

(Moscow, October 17-20, 2017)

Final Announcement and Call for Panel Proposals

Dear Colleagues,

On October 17-20, 2017 in Moscow the Research Council for the Problems of African Countries and the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences hold the 14th African Studies Conference titled “Africa and Africans in National, Regional and Global Dimensions.” The Conference will take place on the premises of the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The working languages are Russian and English.

The Organizing Committee would like to encourage you to submit panel proposals, focusing on  any particular topics  related  to  the Conference’s  umbrella theme.  The deadline for panel proposals submitting is December 1, 2016. The Organizing Committee will be glad to consider any panel proposals (within 500 words in English or both English and Russian) received by this date. The information to be submitted alongside with the proposal includes the proposed panel convenor(s)’ full name(s), title(s), institutional affiliation(s), full mail and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers. The list of prospective papergivers with their particulars is desirable but not compulsory.

The Organizing Committee will inform the applicants about the results of their panel proposals’ consideration on or soon after December 15, 2016. The list of all the Conference participants is to become known by early April, 2017 due to the activities of both the Organizing Committee and panel convenors.

None of the proposals may be accepted or rejected on the basis of its submitter(s)’ previous academic credentials, ethnic or national origin, sex, or otherwise, but only on the basis of the proposal’s relevance to, and importance for, the Conference’s general theme.

During the Conference, each panel will work for one day and will have one or two time slots, with no more than six papers in each (that is, no panel will exceed twelve papers).

In the case the proposal is accepted and you and/or your panel participants need Russian entry visas, the Organizing Committee will send you in April 2017 the list of documents necessary to support the visa application process at a Russian Consulate or Embassy.

The conference registration fee in Russian rubles, equivalent to $150 ($75 in rubles for students and for citizens of African states residing in Africa, except South Africa), is to be paid in cash onsite upon arrival. The registration fee includes the visa application support (Official Invitation*), the Conference Book of Abstracts, stationary items, reception and coffee-breaks. The fee for an accompanying person, equivalent to $50 in rubles, includes the visa application support (Official Invitation) and reception. The Conference participants working for the Institute for African Studies official partners are waved from registration fee.**

According to national immigration regulations, only official spouses and children can be considered as accompanying persons. For getting an official invitation for an accompanying person from the Organizing Committee, you must send the Organizing Committee an apostil of the respective person’s marriage (for the spouse) or birth (for the child) certificate. After receiving an official invitation, you will be able to apply for a humanitarian visa for that person. Otherwise, you can apply for a tourist visa for the accompanying person at a Russian Consulate. You will not need to apostil the documents in this case (as well as it is not necessary for the Conference participants to get a humanitarian visa). No accompanying persons can be waved from registration fee.

The Organizing Committee can assist in booking accommodation, but independent reservation is encouraged. Please note that early hotel reservation in strongly recommended, as Moscow hotels and hostels may be full any season. Besides booking.com, otel.com and other internationally recognized hotel and hostel search and booking websites, you may try specifically Moscow websites http://www.moscow- hotels.net/ and http://www.moscow-hotels.com/.

All the correspondence should be sent by e-mail for the Conference Organizing Committee, to the attention of Mrs. Natalia Bondar, Head, Center of Information and International  Relations,  Institute  for  African  Studies  (conf2017@gmail.com;  tel.:  + 7 495 690 2752) – prospective international participants, or to the attention of  Dr. Natalia Zherlitsyna, Secretary, Research Council for the Problems of African Countries (ns_inafr@mail.ru; tel.: + 7 495 690 6025) – prospective Russian participants.

The Organizing Committee would appreciate your familiarizing the members of your research/teaching unit, as well as all interested colleagues, with the present Announcement.


*  Please note that according to the Russian visa regulations, the host organisation has to pay fees to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for every international participant and even a bigger sum for accompanying persons. However, all the foreigners wishing to enter the Russian Federation must not only apply for visas at the Russian Consulates or Embassies in respective countries but also pay another fee on their own for the visas’ granting.
** For the list of the Institute for African Studies official partners please, visit the page “Cooperation” on the Institute’s website at the address http://www.inafran.ru/en/node/144.


07Jul 2016

News of 24th World Congress of IPSA

Welcome to the website of RC07 “Women in the Global South”

The name of this Research Committee has recently been changed from “Women in the Developing Nations” to “Women in the Global South”.  The reason for this is to bring the title of the RC in line with the research that members of this RC do.  Some members work on women’s representation such as quota systems, others work on women’s mobilization and activism and others research policy issues, such as migration and xenophobia, or economic development.  While gender and development will remain a focus of the RC, other areas of research will now also be represented by RC 07.   It will therefore also be able to liaise with RC19, whose members have similar research areas.

The difference with RC 19 is that the focus is on women in the global South, where political challenges are different from countries in the North, some who were erstwhile colonies that have gone through processes of decolonization, others are developing countries which are now negatively affected by global neo-liberal capitalism, civil war, or religious fundamentalism, with women disproportionately bearing the brunt of these issues.

We hope that more women political scientists from the global South will join RC 07.

Research Linkages

RC 07 has a relationship with the Women’s Caucus of the South African Association of Political Science (SAAPS).  As the Chair of RC 07 I invite caucuses  of other associations to join and to send news about their research activities.

For the IPSA conference in Poznan RC 07 will host 5 panels:

RC 07.04 “Gender Politics in an Unequal World”
RC07.05 “Dealing with Gender Equality through Activism”
RC07. 08 “The Politics of Representation in the Global South”
RC07.10 “Women’s Mobilization for Gender Justice”
RC07.11 “Women’s Representation and Leadership in the Global South”

RC 07 will have a combined business meeting with RC19 on  25 July from 15h30 to 17h15.  I hope to see those of you who are attending the conference at this meeting so that we can elect office bearers.