IPSA Research Committee 07 on “Women and Politics in the Global South” is concerned with issues of gender and marginalisation, beyond specific geographies, especially as they relate to women in the political sphere; to gender and development and to gender politics across issue areas. Four broad research areas encapsulate these concerns:

  • Women in politics
  • Gender, peace and security
  • Gender, law and human rights
  • Gender and development 

The theme for the IPSA World Congress in Seoul in 2025 is “Resisting Autocratization in Polarized Societies.” 

For RC07, this theme puts the spotlight on “Women’s political participation and activism across the political spectrum.” Therefore, we are interested in receiving paper and panel proposals where these are a central concern. We offer you an indicative list of topics, clarifying that we will consider others as well:

  • Women in political parties and electoral politics
  • Barrier to inclusion in mainstream politics
  • Violence against women in politics
  • Cyber-violence against women in politics and WHRD
  • Gender equality, rights and LGBTIQA+ movements 
  • Women in political movements across the political spectrum
  • Gender and identity politics
  • Gender and ethnic conflict
  • Gender and conflict resolution, management or transformation
  • Gender, peace and security
  • Women’s participation and activism in conflict and conflict resolution
  • Human rights defenders, gender and rights
  • Women, gender and migration

Please note that in addition, RC07 will also propose a set of open panels on:

  • Recent research on women in politics
  • Recent research on gender, peace and security
  • Recent research on gender, conflict resolution and conflict transformation
  • Recent research on gender, law and human rights
  • Recent research on gender and development  

You may choose to mark any of these for consideration when you submit your paper proposal.

We welcome paper and panel proposals from interdisciplinary perspectives. We encourage graduate students and early career scholars to submit paper and panel proposals. 

How to submit your proposal: You may directly submit your closed panel proposal between July 10 and November 5 and your paper proposal between September 10 and November 5. When you do so, you will be asked to which Research Committee you want your proposal sent. Please choose RC07 ‘Women and Politics in the Global South.’ We will be sent your proposals for consideration after the closing date. All the instructions and conditions on the IPSA Congress website (for submitting a paper proposal and for submitting a panel proposalapply.

Please make a note of key dates and deadlines.